Project SHARE

Get Involved

Wherever you are, however much time you have available, and however dirty you're willing to get, there are ways for you to help restore Maine's rivers and streams.

1. Restore Atlantic salmon habitat

We're always looking for extra hands in the field. Large woody debris additions and remnant dam removals are labor-intensive projects that lend themselves larger crews. In a single day, we're able to make a positive impact on the river, often jumpstarting changes that wouldn't have happened on their own for decades. It's fun, is an excellent team building activity, and will get you fit!. Make an appointment for yourself or your team.

2. Contribute your expertise

Four times a year, SHARE meets at the Whitneyville Community Center to discuss what we've accomplished, and our plans for moving forward. If you've done any sort of work pertaining to Atlantic salmon habitat restoration, we'd love to have you lend your expertise.

3. Donate to Project SHARE

Donations help keep Project SHARE running. Consider donating today.